Tag Archives: Ninten

Ninten – Ups His Game!

One of my favorite Nintendo series is the Mother/Earthbound series. We never received Earthbound in Europe until it was released for the Wii U virtual console in 2013. Despite this I have always been a fan of both Ness and Lucas, who both convinced me to buy Earthbound when it was released as well as get myself a copy of the Japan-only Mother 3. Having played through both of these games I only had one game left, the original Mother 1 a.k.a. Earthbound Zero. Before I played this game, I only saw Ninten as an identical precursor to Ness seeing them as identical in appearance and personality. Well they are very similar, however, i think it is easily possible to make Ninten his own unique character in the Super Smash Brothers thanks to these two facts: Ness in Super Smash Brothers mostly use attacks that actually belong to Paula and not himself and Ninten has zero offensive PSI. He has no equivalent to PSI Rockin and is mostly made up of buffs and debuffs. I though that this was the ideal gimmick that will make Ninten stand out.

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